Additional shipping charges are applicable on all our products and will be calculated based upon the location of delivery, quantity, weight and volume of the package.

We can ship products almost anywhere in India and across the globe other than a few locations, which our logistic partners do not serve.

When you place an order, we will estimate delivery dates based upon the availability of your item(s) and your shipment’s destination. The estimated delivery dates may however differ from actual delivery dates and our failure to comply with the estimated delivery date will not give rise to any cause of action against us.

We usually get your shipment delivered within 6-10 business days of your placing the order on our website depending on the location.

If there is any further delay in shipping the products, someone from our Customer support will contact you. We use high quality corrugated shipping box and plain tamper proof courier bag to reduce in transit breakage and pilferage.

Our courier partner captures non-delivered items information in real time and tries to deliver next day.

Domestic / International Shipping:

Shipping charges will be calculated based on the location and weight of the products. Even though we try our best to ensure on-time delivery, there are certain conditions under which the delivery may get delayed:

  • Incorrect shipping address
  • Incorrect PIN code
  • Nobody available at shipping address
  • Extreme weather conditions
  • Unforeseen circumstances beyond the Control of our logistics partners

We send you a confirmation email / SMS once the order is shipped and another email when the order is delivered.

Our Courier partner will deliver the product to you at the address provided by you. You may collect it after signing the acknowledgement with Contact No. It is mandatory to give Telephone # or Mobile # of the person who receives the package.

The customer should possess any one of the following documents as ID proof to take delivery of the product:

  • PAN Card
  • Driving License
  • Passport
  • Voter ID Card
  • Aadhar Card

Product may however not be delivered in case of non availability of above ID Proofs. Shipping charges are non-refundable.

For any further enquiry please contact us at